Good Names in Code

Names are meant to be meaningful, should understand what it contains without knowing whats happening behind the scenario.

This you will be naming often

  1. variable/contants
    1. Contains dataset, results of a function… anything - use Nouns(userdata) or shortphrases with adjectives(isValid)
  2. function/methods
    1. Use verbs(sendData) or short phrases with adjectives(isInputValid)
  3. classes
    1. These are used to make an object - use Nouns or shortPhrases(User, RequestBody)

Naming convections

  1. SnakeCase - hello_world(python - variables, function/methods)
  2. camelCase - helloWorld( java or script - variables, function/methods)
  3. pascalCase - HelloWorld(python/java - Classes)

Varaible, Constants and Properties

  1. Values is an object.
    1. Describe the object
      1. User
      2. database
    2. Provide More information of the variable
      1. Authentic User
      2. Sql Database
  2. Value can be boolean.
    1. Tell True or False
      1. isValid
      2. loggedIn
    2. Provide More information of the variable
      1. isUserLoggedIN
  3. Value can be number or string.
    1. Describe the value
      1. name
      2. age
    2. Provide More information of the variable
      1. firstname
      2. age


  1. Functions perform an operation
    1. Describe the operation
      1. GetUserInfo
      2. Response.send()
  2. Computes a boolean
    1. Know about the status
      1. isValid()
      2. Purchase.isPaid() Also you can add more information about to the name like EmailResponse.send(), this tells you are working on some email responding operation.


  1. Describe the Object
    1. UserProduct- it can become customer or course.


  1. Be consistent about the code names.( use get over fetch if you like it.)
  2. Dont use bad language.
  3. Dont overadd or under add the required info requried for the variable.


Bad comments

  1. Giving redundant information.
  2. The variable names and the comments give different information.
  3. Large comments that will block the code.
  4. Commented code is scary in production and can lead to misleading information. Use version control system to bring the old code and delete the bad code.

Good Comments

  1. Legal Information
  2. Explanation that cant be delivered by variable names.
  3. Important warnings while running the code.
  4. Import docstring that are essential for API.

Code formatting

  1. Vertical formatting
    1. Spacing of lines
    2. Grouping of lines
  2. Horizontal formatting
    1. intendation
    2. width of code lines.
    3. Space between the code.

Vertical Formatting

  1. Multiple classes in a single file, split it into multiple files.
  2. Adding lines between the codes, we have autoformatters to do that. Similar concepts shouldnt be seperatad by spaces.
  3. Stack the function in a proper classes, so the search becomes easy.

Horizontal Formatting

  1. Lines should be readable without even scrolling.
  2. Long lines can be done multiple shorter ones.
  3. Dont use longer variable names, so the length of the line is shorter to read.